Friday, November 9, 2007

Seniors on the Internet: A student's View

Why post on the Internet? Here is a blog published by a student at:

Hi! My name is Sara Hunt and I am doing a college project about trying to slim the digital divide between Seniors who do not use the computer and the younger generation that was brought up with computers. My concern is the amount of Senior's that are left behind. I found your blog and I think it is great! I wondered if I could pass some ideas by you.

My thoughts are not only to the Seniors that are left behind, but also the information that isn't getting out there about this issue, but more so, the information stored in those wise heads that may never be written down. I believe that about 70% of knowledge is stored in people's brains, and the rest is written down. Being that we are in the information age, everything we, in the younger generation, have to say, gets out there---like it or not, because we have access to computers and have been taught to use them. I know there is a large amount of Seniors that do not use computers because either they do not have access to computers or the internet, or because no one has taken the time to teach them how to use a computer, or maybe because they have lived a long time without them---why do they need it now?

But, I believe that Seniors should be using computers, not only for there own needs, but because we need them too. We need that 70% of information stored in those heads to get out there. We need to hear what they have to say and, well, for me personally, I just love hearing their stories. Now that my generation tends to only hear what we see on the internet, I want to hear the older opinion...the wiser opinion. I want to figure out a way to encourage Seniors to use the computer, write blogs, have their own Myspace etc. I know there are some community projects out there that encourage Seniors to learn the internet, but not enough. What other ways do you feel we can get Seniors to computer classes and excite them enough to use the computer. Do you know of any big computer manufacturers that give discounts to Seniors who want to buy a computer? How do you feel about the subject?
Please right back, I would really love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for your time,

Sara Hunt Summerland Key, Fl FKCC student

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