To keep this blog secure, we are accepting authors on an invitation only basis. Only residents of Heritage Village, Vineland, Ontario, who have Int

Leave a comment on the latest message, send an e-mail to: , or otherwise indicate your desire to join the blog. I'll add you to the list as soon as I confirm you are in our Village, and old enough to drink the local wine. Everyone in the Village, in residence or on the road, qualifies.
To add to this blog, you will need to register with Google and get a free account. After you give up name, rank and serial number , you can contribute to this blog or establish your own. Leave a comment on the latest message and indicate your desire to blog. I'll add you to the list shortly.
To get a free Google account, go to the Google search engine (see picture). Click on "more" under the logo on your own computer (not this page) and then look for Blogger . Sign up for free. You are a Blogger now!

Thanks, for visiting.
Ideas for website content are great, but they should come with an offer to contribute material and/or time.
Village residents who are sufficiently computer-wise to help build the site (i.e. have done som HTML coding or graphics design) should identify themselves.
I'm not very computer savvy but I live in the village and am looking forward to the website. A good start!
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