Anyone visiting this blog will notice that no update has been made for a long time. My efforts were re-directed to building a website based on Joomla! CMS software. This was a big challenge that sucked up more time than I expected.
Meanwhile, the wifi network over our community was upgraded using Open-Mesh technology with Robin software, to replace Meraki which went proprietary. That gave us better control of what was happening with the network and at a better price point. Open-Source is the way to go for retirees and seniors. There's lots of help via forums and updates that don't bankrupt you.
This is the last blog in this series. Our next effort is to set up training courses for seniors and retirees in our adult lifestyle community. There's no point blogging and posting on websites if the old folks can't access because their computers are gummed up with spyware and viruses or locked up because they haven't figured out how to close Firefox tabs.
So, here's goodbye. Happy computing!
You're never too old, until you're cold.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, December 26, 2008

The hotspots are too far apart to form a real wifi "mesh" and bring our on-line costs down. But Rome wasn't built in a day - it took a lot of pontification. Meanwhile other wifi mesh communities are mushrooming across the globe. The San Francisco mesh of Meraki units has now reached >200,000 users. Almost free Internet is close at hand.
Watch inHERITAGEwifi grow at the following public web access:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our Village viewed from above
Here is an aerial view of our clubhouse, courtesy of Google Earth. You can find your own place by clicking on image, hold and move the hand, or use the arrows. Zoom in and out with plus/minus signs. Enjoy.
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inHERITAGEwifi in Clubhouse

WiFi has arrived at HVRC! This month we have installed three Meraki units in the Heritage Village Recreation Club as trial . We'll be monitoring the level of interest and bandwidth requirements. The signal is strong throughout the building. The gateway is from the Office Internet connection using BEC as the service provider. These units are too far from the units in Kerry Court to create a wifi mesh, but they give the clubhouse a "wifi Hotspot" throughout the building.
To access the Internet at the Clubhouse, just open your laptop (wifi enabled - or use a $20 wifi adapter card ). Your computer will recognize two networks: inHERITAGEwifi and Kerry Crt. Kerry Crt is an encrypted secure network used by members of the computer Club for trials. It may be re-named and available in the future for registered users. The public wifi is inHERITAGEwifi and is a typical "hotspot" like those available in coffee shops or hotels. It is intended for our residents and their guests. No security key is needed. When you select this connection and use your browser, a green "welcome" screen comes up. Just click and you are free to browse or e-mail.
Make sure you take typical "hotspot" precautions and have a software "firewall" turned on. This public network should not be used for private banking. To keep our costs down, we also ask people to refrain from using it for intensive downloading such as on-line gaming, streaming video, VoIP (e.g. Skype) or watching long movies. We expect that most retirees are happy to just e-mail and browse the Internet for information.
For kleptomaniacs who may find the Meraki units, we caution you that they have no value outside of this network. The serial numbers of each unit and the geographic location are monitored on-line. About every three minutes they "call home" and any disconnection is reported instantly. Users of the network should also be aware that the bandwidth usage is being monitored and computers identified by their internal MAC numbers. There is no monitoring of content - just the volume of up and downloads. Anyone doing excessive downloading or otherwise abusing the free access, will have their computer connection blocked.
So far usage has been very minor - limited to a few test connections. If you are connecting, please drop us a note at . Some future uses of the wifi connection could be:
- Computer kiosk in the library, for seniors without computers who want to e-mail;
- Laptops available on loan for computer training courses.
- Inheritage Magazine and other clubs having on-line access for gathering and distributing information.
- Wireless security cameras for 24/7 monitoring of the HVRC building or even the entire Village.
- Extending the wifi "hotspot" throughout Heritage Village to reduce everyone's Internet connection costs and give Internet access to homes that have none.
- Creating an 24/7 on-line video camera station in the Theatre room, so our Snowbirds can see the events from anywhere.
At present, there are no costs to running this wifi network, beyond what the office is already paying for Internet connection. As usage grows, bandwidth will be about $2/month per Gigabyte. We are investigating ideas how to absorb that cost and keep the network free. Getting a few computer-savy people to join the Meraki network as a "gateway" by sharing their paid-up connection, would do the trick. It costs them nothing but their excess bandwidth that they are not using.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Finally! A Senior Friendly Operating System

If you watched the September 29 episode of Dragon's Den on CBC, you will have met Raul Rupsingh and Stephen Beath and their 83-year-old beta tester, Hazel Brunt from SoftShell Computers. She demolished the resistance of the smart-ass Venture Capitalists when they initially trashed the concept of a senior-friendly operating system. They caved in and ponied up some capital to finance further development.
Based on touch-screen technology and large icons, the new product will make basic computing available to all those seniors who missed the first wave of the computer revolution. The focus is on the four main interests of seniors: Mail, Photos, Internet browsing and Games. No need to learn the complexities of Windows XP or Vista nor will you be distracted by the flood of hyperlinks and pop-up ads that trash the e-mailing experience when using Hotmail or Gmail.
Control is in the hands (or fingers) of the end-user at a pace that accomodates the frailties caused by aging and connects them on-line to the rest of us.
Control is in the hands (or fingers) of the end-user at a pace that accomodates the frailties caused by aging and connects them on-line to the rest of us.
Based in London, Ontario, the company just incorporated last December, but already has several adult facilities as beta testing partners: Chelsey Park Retirement Community, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Windermere on the Mount, Queens Village for Seniors, Parkwood Hospital, and Revera. This is going to be the next big technology success story to come out of Canadian innovation. A computer work station in our Heritage Village Recreation Club would be most appropriate.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Building our "Virtual Clubhouse" with Joomla!

Some 15 people in Heritage Village expressed interest in building of a website for Heritage Village on our a sign-up sheet posted in the clubhouse in January. Our goal was to seek funding from government programs for Seniors and have the structure of the website built by professionals. But funding takes time and we're hot to trot. Basic websites as marketing "brochures" can be built in hours or days, but a dynamic interactive website that can involve the whole community is a complex effort: FaceBook and MySpace have spent $ millions. Our goal is more modest, but still a daunting task if we want to satisfy the on-line needs of 700 people and post archives as well as daily events.
People are asking me, when I'm going to build their Village website. I'm approaching retirement, so no, I don't want to build it alone - that's no fun. We need to pool the talents of our 700 residents: that's how the best websites on the planet have been built, by collaborative effort. Visit Wikipedia or any software forum to witness the power of "Crowdsourcing" (Economist, Sept.6, 2008).
So how do you build a website, collectively? Back in 1996, when the World-Wide Web was just a baby, I built my first website the hard way, alone, using raw HTML code, and uploading to a university server using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Then came shrink-wrapped packages such as Microsoft FrontPage to make it easier. But you still needed to know raw code to fix the bugs. I had to buy the software which became obsolete in 2006 when Microsoft stopped supporting it. That's not a friendly task for Seniors. (If you are using Internet Explorer, just go to "View" and then click on "Source" to see what I mean). I had to buy the FrontPage software but it became obsolete in 2006 when Microsoft cancelled further support, putting my second website on life-support. My next website won't be built under the thumb of Microsoft, at my expense.
That's not how most websites are built today. Even professional website designers now use on-line tools called CMS, or Content Management Systems. Once a domain name and host server have been acquired, a website is built by content added in much the same way that you write an article in Microsoft Word, and add pictures. The CMS tool sits on the host server, not on the end-user's computer. Contributors just use their own computers and log on to the website using their regular browser - no new software is needed - no costs but a learning curve. There's still a big difference between a professional site, and what a group of amateurs initially assemble - but that is in the details - and with time, an amateur site also gets better.
The good news for Seniors, is that some CMS software tools are "open source" and thus free! One of the best free on-line CMS tools is called "Joomla!", the Swahili word for "all together". This tool allows people who are not computer programmers, and don't know or care about source code, to contribute to building a site. Joomla! was developed since 2005 by the collaboration of a core of volunteer software programmers assisted by 200,000 forum contributors, world-wide. Such is the power of the Internet. Visit to get more information or seach for Joomla! article at .
I'll have more on how we get started in my next post. Our website will be developed at: with your help and input. A meeting of interested Village residents will be held shortly.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Names and the Internet

With millions of websites now active on the Internet, short names have become scarce and some names are now banned. At or you'll find the pioneer villages in Manitoba and Nova Scotia . is a design studio that focuses on historical preservation organizations. Finding a name that reflects our community and is still available for registration is difficult. "Heritage Villages" exist world-wide, so we need a domain name that indicates our Canadian location. The Canadian Internet Registration Authority in Ottawa, custodian of the *.ca names, no longer allows registration of names containing "village", "town" or other designation that imply a government. When I discovered that was still available, I knew we had to protect that name.
So how much is an Internet domain name worth? It depends on many factors: brevity, association to a product or place, website traffic (if already in use). There is an active market in names and anyone can offer to buy via or other sites. As shown in the chart above, for many names, the bidding starts at over $25,000 US, which is why it was important to lock in an available *.ca name for our website. Now if we could all just focus on building a quality site, we'd have something on-line worthy of the name.
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